Stability Bulletin: D-Link Routers

Certain D-Link routers have been found to create an instability with internet services with ‘certain modems’ requiring a reboot daily to function normally

See: This Changelog for instance.

A firmware update has been released to resolve some of them. Please make sure to read the update release notes as special instructions may need to be followed to update successfully.

Routers confirmed requiring update:

  • D-Link DIR-822
  • D-Link DIR-882
  • D-Link DIR-819
  • D-Link DIR-867

Routers requiring configuration change:

  • D-Link DIR-819 (Changing the WAN MAC address seems to help with stability issues)

There may be more D-Link DIR-8xx and DIR-19xx series routers with this issue as they all use the same software.

Regardless of your router’s model or if you are experiencing issues you should check for firmware updates for it on a regular basis. New vulnerabilities are discovered daily which can allow attackers to gain your personal information, utilize your network for malicious purposes, or inject malicious content into services you connect to.

Find D-Link updates here by searching your model:

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